Curly Hair Product News
Ingredient Education Series - Phenoxyethanol
PARABENS? There’s a new kid on the block with kick-ass properties and is safe to use - Introducing... Phenoxyethanol. Good news for all the curlies out there who care about their hair and what goes onto it!
When They Don't Turn Out Like The Pictures...Don't Lose Hope!
This blog post is for all the ladies out there who have been doing all the right things - hydrating, cleansing, scrunching and crunching and STILL aren't getting the results! I SEE YOU! If you're feeling bummed out because your curls...
Gosh the chill has certainly set in!!!! I honestly am more of a fan of autumn and spring if I’m being completely honest! But let me share some of my winter survival tips to keep your curly hair hydrated and...
In a small coastal town in the beautiful Shoalhaven region, two hours out of Sydney, Yes Hair was founded. It’s the town where I was born and raised. It’s where I live and raise my family and run my salon,...
Perfect curls are achievable…with a curling wand. Society aspires for perfection, but your unique “imperfect” curls, kinks, and waves say far more than any straightening iron or curling wand ever could.
Kind curl control brings confidence
Hi, I’m Eden, a fellow curly learning how caring for my hair has built so much confidence. I didn’t have an easy start. At school, I felt my wild and unpredictable curls didn’t quite “fit in” – too frizzy one...
I'm 60 years old, and I love my curly hair for the first time in my life - Debbie.
A Video interview with Debbie who for the first time in 60 years now loves her curly hair.
Want curls that last longer than hot chips at the beach? Well, this blog is for you! The mirror first thing in the morning (aka hot mess yelling back at you) says your sleep set up needs attention. Not trying...
Hands up who’s bought products that don’t do what they say they do? Beautiful packaging and promises of effectiveness had your basket full at the checkout. But your frizz didn’t go away, your hair was sticky and you started to...